Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Identifying Work Place Hazards Construction Essay
Identifying Work Place incidents Construction EssayInjuries at the place of educate are of major concern for all people leased in the business operations for an organization.The issues which cause strokes took place in the body of school and work-related ill health are called as Hazards. The demand for organized organization of OHS hazards and their associated encounters applies to all business/unions/organizations etc and all activities and functions within an organization.It is of worth importance to polariate b/w hazard, attempt and vulnerability when undertaking chance concern.Hazard is the probable for harm, or unpleasant effect on an employees health. Everything that shtup cause injury or illness to bothbody at or tightfitting the place of work may be called as hazard. attempt is the likelihood that a hazard forget cause injury or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace. The level of risk increases with the severity of the hazard and the duration and fr equency of exposure or vulnerability.Vulnerability/exposure happens whenever anybody comes into contact with a hazard.Risk management transit consists of four stepsIdentifying the Potential HazardsAssessing The Risks Associated With The HazardsControlling the riskReviewing the transitThe graduation and most significant step in reducing the opportunity of an accident/mishap is hazard identification. This means recognizing all workplace government agencys or events that can lead to cause an injury or illness.The second step is an valuation of the level of risk of the hazards that have been identifies during the first step. This step engages in collecting information and building conclusion. It is imperative you consider the level of the damage/destruction or consequence from a hazard and the likelihood of harm occurring. If your legal opinion is that an un satisfying risk to health and safety exists, you must introduce applys to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.There are three categories of, you might yield, while control measures. You canget rid of the hazardreducing the riskintroducing back-up controls (this point will be applied, after all otherwise options in the last two categories have been worn out).The third step in successful risk management is to pundit and maintain systems which provide opportunity for day to day evaluation and check into procedures.Evaluation means examining control measures to correspond risks are eradicated or minimized and no unacceptable risk is being ca utilise by unsanded hazards. The estimation system applies to the risk management process on the whole and checks the process is work efficiently to identify hazards and manage risks.Management of the Risks is an organizational issue and a productive program needs the assurance and cooperation of all. All the program managers and their ply need to acknowledge the fundamental importance of OHS risk management, for it to work. The most valuable trust is i m imbeding OHS risk management into daily usage at all levels of an organization. Best practice can be achieved if you can integrate risk management principles and practices into everyday business practice.1. IDENTIFY THE HAZARDSHazard identificationThe 1st step in minimizing the probability of an accident/mishap/disaster is hazard identification, which relates to identify all situations or events that may cause to an injury or illness. Eliminating/minimizing place of work hazards requires a methodical approach. It is demand to try and anticipate all potential hazards at the workplace recognized as the what if? approach.What is of Hazard?It is a source or potential source of any individuals injury, illness or disease. Anything which might cause to an injury or illness to anyone at or near the place of work is a hazard. While a number of hazards are quite clear and easy to recognize, others are not for casing exposure to noise, chemicals or radiation.Classes of hazardHazards are c lassified into five different types. They areBiological hazards comprises of animals, Bacteria, Insects, Mildew, Mould, Vermin, Viruses.Chemical hazards comprises of chemical stuff such as acids or poisons and those that may cause to fire or explosion, cleaning agents, dusts and fumes from various(a) processes such as welding.Mechanical and/or electrical hazards comprises of cranes, dangerous goods, Electricity, Equipment, fork lifts, hoists, Machinery, pressure vessels.Physical hazards comprises of air quality, excessively loud and prolonged noise, falling objects, fire, Floors, hot pants and cold, ladders, manual handling (lifting, pushing, pulling), poor lighting, radiation, slippery surfaces, Stairs, steps, ventilation, vibration, work platforms.Psychosocial milieu hazards comprise of workplace stressors occurred due to a variety of sources.Note some chemical and somatogenic hazards can direct to explosion, fire and other safety hazards.METHODS FOR IDENTIFYING HAZARDSThe 1s t step in control of a hazard is to recognize and list them. Many other methods which are useful for identifying hazards, includesbenchmarking against or liaising with similar workplaces.considering Occupational Health Safety implications, when analyzing work processes.consulting with workforce, health safety responsible persons and OHS Committee membersreceiving feedback from workers can often pass around precious information about hazards, since they have hands on experience in their area of workinjury and ill health records evaluate your employees stipend data and ensure the occurrence, mechanism agency of injury, and the cost to the organization. The organization can be altered to examine the information of presence of hazardsinvestigating workplace incidents and near hits reports in some cases there may be more than one hazard contributing to an incidentperforming walkthrough surveys, checking or safety audits in the workplace to review Health Safety system of the organ ization.2. ASSESS THE dangerSAssessment of risksWhen a hazard has been identified, do a risk assessment. A risk assessment process means youcollect information about every identified hazardconsider the number of people exposed to each hazard and the duration of the exposureuse the information to assess the likelihood and consequence of each hazarduse a risk assessment table to work out the risk associated with each hazardFactors for considerationThe following factors should be considered during the risk assessment processthe hazards nature posing the riskcombinations of hazardsinjuries or illnesses types predictable from exposureconsequences of duration and exposure to the hazardlayout of workstation workplaceworking stance and positionnew work processes introductionemployees skill experience levelpersonal characteristics of employees exposed to the risk (colour blindness or hearing impairment)existing control measures in place such as the use of clothing and personal protective equipment.TABLE FOR fortune ASSESSMENTUsing risk assessment table is the one method of assessing risks. Record the risk rating for each hazard you have identified. To construct an assessment matrix, you canset up a specialist risk assessment teamget expert/specialist recommendationbrainstorm within the workplace, curiously with employees, health and safety representatives and OHS committee members they are often a valuable source of information and experience.Before introducing new or changed work practices, substances or plant review your original assessment. It is good management to do regular reviews.CONSEQUENCESLIKELIHOODVery LikelyLikelyUn plausiblyHighlyUnlikelyFatality loftyRISKHIGHRISKHIGHRISK specialityRISKMajorInjuriesHIGHRISKHIGHRISKMEDIUMRISKMEDIUMRISKMinorInjuriesHIGHRISKMEDIUMRISKMEDIUMRISKLOWRISKNegligibleInjuriesMEDIUMRISKMEDIUMRISKLOWRISKLOWRISKRisk Assessment TableUSING A RISK ASSESSMENT TABLEBy using risk assessment table, assessments of likelihood and outcome s can be translated into levels of risks. High risk areas can be given first priority for removal or control in the place of work.Consequence or extent of the injury or illness were it to happen, can be rated in the following wayFatal accident solemn or major injury (severe damage to health which may be permanent, wanting medical attention constant treatment). Such damage is likely to hold significant time off workMinor injury (temporary health damage, which may need medical attention but partial ongoing treatment). This is less(prenominal) possible to involve significant time off workInsignificant injuries (first aid only with little or no lost time). Unlikely to involve more than 1 day off work.Likelihood, or the chance of each of the situations or events actually occurring, can be rated in the following way.Very likely (bared to hazard continuously)Likely (bared to hazard occasionally)Unlikely (could occur but only rarely)Highly unlikely (could occur, but probably never will)Th is categorization would be used very rarely.Acting on the findingsThe probable conclusions which might be drawn from risk assessment process and the actions that might be taken are listed on a lower floor1. Risks are not significant now and not likely to increase in future.Actionsend current assessment and record assessment detailsreview assessment if situation changes or in 2 yearsprovide induction and ongoing trainingfollow safe working procedures2. Risks are abundant but already effectively controlled, could increase in the future.Actionsconclude safety measures to retain controls and reducing the chances of higher exposure occurringconclude extra measures for regaining control if a high risk event occurs, despite safety measuresconclude if supervise or health observation is indispensable to check efficiency of controlsif situation changes or in 2 years then review assessmentgive orientation continual trainingreassure that safe secure working measures are followed.3. Risks a re significant now, and not adequately controlled.Actionsrecognize and employ instant measures for stopping or controlling exposureconsider stopping the processcommence review of longer term control requirementsre-evaluate exposures when the upgraded control measures are in placedetermine if monitoring or health surveillance is requiredprovide induction and ongoing trainingensure that safe working measures are followedBut if there is still uncertainty about risks and not luxuriant information is available or unsure about the level of exposure, then the following actions should be considered.Acquire more/additional information. Apply good practice to minimize exposure until more information is availableGet specialist advice if necessaryArrive at conclusion 1, 2 or 3 and take the appropriate actions.Summary of key pointsAssess all reasonably foreseeable workplace hazards which may affect the health or safety of employees or other persons at work. Ask yourselfhow serious could it be?w hat is the likelihood of its occurrence?what is the significance of the risks?are risks assessed following the hazard identification exercise?are risks to others considered?are records of assessment maintained?which identified hazards create a significant risk?3. CONTROL THE RISKSControl measuresOnce a hazard has been identified then the correct conformation of action is to use control measures which normally fall into three categories which are as followsget rid of the hazardreduce the riskuse succor controls when all other options in the previous categories have been exhausted.The best way to control a hazard is to eliminate it. The elimination of a hazard is the first choice in a system called the hierarchy of controls.Hierarchy of controlsThe order of priority in hazard control is as followsget rid of the hazard from the place of work completely. This is considered to be the best method to control a hazard. Removal of a noisy machine from a quiet area is an example of exclusio n.Substitute or modify the hazard. This can be done by replacing it with something less dangerous, for example, by using a paint which does not check over asthma- encouraging agents.Isolate the hazard. This can be done by physically eliminating it from the place of work.Use engineering methods to control the hazard at its source. The tools and the equipment can be redesigned and the local exhaust ventilation systems could be used to block the cause of a hazard.Use of administrative controls is management strategies that can be introduced to ensure the health and safety of workers.introducing personal protective equipment (PPE) as a provisional measure for reducing exposure to a hazard.4. MONITOR AND REVIEWA continual and recurrent processRisk management programs are recurring once the hazards related to current workplace are controlled successfully, then the process does not stop. Systematic monitoring and reviews must be apply because of the probable for new hazards to be introd uced into a workplace. These hazards can be due toa change in work environment (moving to a different office, staff reduction)the introduction of new staff with different skill/ knowledge levels.the introduction of new work practices or proceduresthe use of new technology, equipment or substancesPlanningEffective forward planning is an integral part of monitoring and reviewing risk management. You must address all issues before introducing new equipment and work procedures. For example, planning allows you to include OHS compliance into tender specifications for new equipment or services.Record keepingRecord keeping is an important part of monitoring and review. Systematic records will help to identify hazards and review the effectiveness of risk controls. Keep records which showdetails of workplace inspectionsworksheets/checklists used to identify hazardsmethods used to assess riskscontrol measures implementedreviews of workplace systems of work, or health and safety auditsany acti on that has been taken to fix particular hazardsinstruction or training done to ensure staff competencyhealth surveillance of staffmaintenance of plant and equipment.Achieving the desired resultsIt is important to keep checking that solutions to your workplace hazards are achieving the desired result. You can only ensure your control methods are working by regular monitoring and review.Meeting best practiceGood hazard management will result in compliance with set performance indicators. This is a positive sign that your agency is on the way to OHS best practice. Achieving best practice in OHS risk management results inincreases in staff moraledecreases in workers compensation costspromotion of a safety-conscious culture in the workplace.Summary of key pointsHas the program achieved its answer?Does it work?Is it being adhered to?What has been done to control the hazard and what remains to be done?Are new hazard control measures required?
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